Posted by: arieliondotcom | February 22, 2013

Renewed Repentance

When Moses had been given the Ten Commandments, GOD cut the tablets from the mountain Himself and wrote on them Himself. But as Moses reminds Israel in our passage today, when Moses had seen Israel already sinning as he came down off the mountain, he angrily smashed the tablets GOD had given him. GOD allowed Moses to return to the mountain but required that he cut the new tablets himself before GOD would write on them.

Moses goes on to explain again what will be expected of Israel as they go into the Promised Land without him. He had lost his temper again when told to speak to a rock to bring water. And because he angrily beat the rock instead GOD kept him from crossing the waters of the Jordan river into their new home.

Moses reminded Israel again that though they had been stubborn and disobedient they were being given a fresh start. If they changed and obeyed they’d be blessed. Every day would be a new opportunity to serve GOD, not out of manipulation or fear, as others worshipped, but out of loving respect for all GOD had done and all they’d seen.

Christians today know the importance of daily repentance. Like Moses, we are workers together with GOD. When we do wrong, we do our part in making it right. We daily renew our repentance out of love for GOD and as a way to live joyfully with Him. And in our joy, others see His goodness for themselves.

Repentance is like a bandage that acknowledges damage was done and takes action to promote healing.

Moses replaced what he destroyed & reminded Israel to renew their repentance to return to GOD for it to go well with them Deuteronomy 10-12


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